2005.09.05 - 2005.09.11   |   A summary of the past weeks main technology & science news. Updated every Sunday.
General IT (General, Business, Financial, Misc)
eBay acqires Skype.
Sony's PSP launches in Europe.
Microsoft (counter)sues the EC.
Samsung to release hybrid HD DVD/BD drive.
Aussie court rules against Kazaa owners.
Sony resurrects the walkman - MP3 style.
Marketing problems plague DVD-RAM?
Nintendo enters mobile content market.
TCP/IP inventor joins Google think tank.
New iPod Mini to get flash mem, color display.

Software Roundup (General SW, Security, Virus-alerts)
SuSE 10 - new benchmark for userfriendliness?
Palm Source sold to mobile content company?
South Korea develops flexible game engine.
Semiconductor Roundup (CPUs, Chip-sets, Memory)
Hoax or CPU revolution?
Latest Intel desktop roadmap.
ATI's R520 finally gets its name (X1800).
ATI's R520 soon in mass production?
SUN's 8-core chip nearing release?
Intel pricecuts to coincide with 65nm launch?
VIA S3 graphics about to launch Chrome 20?
Intel to update Xeon to full AMD64 specs.

Science Roundup (Science & Astronomy)
Scientists looking for Laser Fusion funding.
Saturn ring anomalies puzzle astronomers.
Fast spinning pulsar 'caugth in the act'.
Plenty of 'snow' on Mars?
NASA releases results from Tempel-1 mission.
Biggest known asteroid made of mostly water?
Astronomers find "newborn" solar system.