2005.09.05 - 2005.09.11
A summary of the past weeks main technology & science news. Updated every Sunday.
eBay acqires Skype.
Sony's PSP launches in Europe.
Microsoft (counter)sues the EC.
Samsung to release hybrid HD DVD/BD drive.
Aussie court rules against Kazaa owners.
Sony resurrects the walkman - MP3 style.
Marketing problems plague DVD-RAM?
Nintendo enters mobile content market.
TCP/IP inventor joins Google think tank.
New iPod Mini to get flash mem, color display.
SuSE 10 - new benchmark for userfriendliness?
Palm Source sold to mobile content company?
South Korea develops flexible game engine.
Hoax or CPU revolution?
Latest Intel desktop roadmap.
ATI's R520 finally gets its name (X1800).
ATI's R520 soon in mass production?
SUN's 8-core chip nearing release?
Intel pricecuts to coincide with 65nm launch?
VIA S3 graphics about to launch Chrome 20?
Intel to update Xeon to full AMD64 specs.
Scientists looking for Laser Fusion funding.
Saturn ring anomalies puzzle astronomers.
Fast spinning pulsar 'caugth in the act'.
Plenty of 'snow' on Mars?
NASA releases results from Tempel-1 mission.
Biggest known asteroid made of mostly water?
Astronomers find "newborn" solar system.